
Natural Remedies

The situation of receding gums happens when the tissue of the gum around the teeth corrodes and it looks like your gums recede backwards. Then a large surface of the teeth is exposed and more visible.

When the gums go back, the space between the gum line and the teeth rises. That is perfect place for bacteria growth. Another problem that may happen is over exposure of the root of the tooth that can lead to extreme pain and sensitivity of the tooth. It will also have a negative influence over the structure and bone of the tooth that can cause losing of the tooth.


This is a very common problem and most of the people who suffer from it do not notice the problem. The reason is because the process is slow and happens gradually. Remember to check your gums if you teeth have become very sensitive. That is one of the first signs.

Another indicator is the size of you tooth: if it is larger than before then you need to treat the problem because it is a sign of receding gums. Other symptoms may be:

– Tooth pain/ache
– Larger tooth than before
– Tooth sensitivity

What causes receding gums?!

It might be a gum disease, but it can be caused by other reasons such as:

1. Periodontal diseases. That means bacterial infection in the gums. They cause damage to the supporting bone of the tooth and the gums, followed by other problems.

2. Lack of oral hygiene. If you skip teeth brushing and flossing you might build up plague on the teeth. That can lead to calculus which is a hard substance which can lead to gum recession.

3. Aggressive brushing. It is the complete opposite of brushing teeth on regular basis. If you brush your teeth aggressively then the enamel on your teeth will be destroyed and this will lead to receding gums.

4. Sometimes you will blame the genes. In this case you cannot change a lot about your problem.

5. Hormone imbalance can lead to receding gums. This can be a huge problem especially among women. Those changes lead to more vulnerable and sensitive gums.

6. Smoking is also a reason for receding gums. Smoking also causes many other diseases such as lung disease and cancer, but it can also cause receding gums. People, who consume tobacco in any form, can get sticky plague on their teeth more easily and this leads to receding gums.

7. Clenching and grinding your teeth will put pressure on them and this can cause receding gums. Using force to take bits while you eat may also cause the same problem.

8. This is a weird reason, but piercing your tongue or lips can also lead to the same problem.

How to treat receding gums

If you notice the problem with receding gums on time your doctor can treat them with either root planning or tooth scaling. The doctor will safely remove the calculus or the plague from your teeth and the surface underneath the gum line. The other case is if you do not notice the problem on time. In this case you may need to do a surgery on your gums in order to repair the damage.

Some of the surgeries may be: regeneration of the lost tissue and bone of gums and teeth, depth reduction, soft tissue graft etc. If you like to avoid surgery you can use some of the homemade remedies in this article. But remember to consult your doctor if you have serious gyms infection, because you need to know how deep has the bacteria gone.

In this case, this step should not be avoided. If the problem is not so serious then you can use only these homemade remedies. By using them and with proper oral hygiene you can grow back you receding gums.

How can they grow back?

Gums are soft tissues. They cover our teeth in order to stay in place and they also cover the root of the teeth. If you want to solve the problem with receding gums you need to have a good oral hygiene and you can use many recipes such as oil pulling in order to grow your receding gums again. Read more in the other sections.

Homemade recipes for growing back receding gums

We present you homemade recipes that require only simple ingredients such as herbs and spices.

Green tea

Green tea has an abundance of health benefits. It is full of antioxidants that fight the free radicals that can cause periodontal disease which can lead to receding gums. One of the antioxidants in green tea is catechins and it helps in destroying any periodontal disease. This antioxidant can strengthen the connection between the gums and teeth. Its anti-inflammatory properties will lower the swelling of the gums that cause oral diseases.

How to use it:

Every morning drink 1 cup of green tea.

Aloe Vera

We present you another ingredient that can help you with your gum problem. It is aloe vera and it has many health benefits and most of them are connected with skin problems. The reason is because aloe vera has many anti-inflammatory properties and repairing capabilities. In cases of receding gums, aloe vera will fight against inflammation and will turn on the cells which are very important for repairing of the tissues. It will prevent other infections, due to its antibacterial properties.

How to use it:

Use the gel from aloe vera for your gums problem. There are 2 ways. The first one is to use aloe vera gel like a mouthwash and for brushing.

Once you have flossed and brushed, put some aloe vera gel and once again brush the gums and teeth. This should last around 3 to 5 minutes. Then rinse your mouth thoroughly.

The other way is to use it as a mouthwash. Once again after you brush your teeth take a little bit of aloe vera gel and dissolve it in some water. The consistency should be good enough for you so you can swirl it through your mouth. Do this every day after brushing.

Oil pulling

One of the most effective treatments for receding gums is oil pulling. It also helps with other oral diseases and it is mostly known for healing cavities. Sesame oil has many health benefits and anti-inflammatory properties. It can reduce plague buildups and destroy the toxins in your mouth.

The sesame oil will form a protective layer over your teeth and it will reduce the chances of plague building. You can also use this method for improving the absorption of healthy nutrients in your body.

How to use it:

Take sesame oil and warm it up. Do not overheat the oil. You only need to warm it. Then brush your teeth and take sesame oil in your mouth. Gargle it and swirl it around your mouth.

Do this for a few minutes. If you are not familiar with this process you can start with 30 seconds to 1 minute and once you get used to the procedure increase the time. The goal is 15 to 20 minutes.

Other way of oil pulling

You can also use coconut oil for oil pulling. It will reduce the chances of getting infections that may be the reason for receding gums. The coconut oil will heal your cavity and prevent tooth decay and it is one effective ingredient for treating receding gums.

How to use it:

It is better if you use organic coconut oil. Brush your teeth and then take a little bit of coconut oil and use it as a mouthwash. Once again do the method 1 to 2 minutes and increase gradually. The goal is 15 to 20 minutes daily. It can also help you to grow back receding gums and it will prevent bacteria growth in your mouth.


Eucalyptus contains essential oils that have many health benefits. It is known fact that the essential oils from the herbs are stronger than the herb itself. That is very clear since we always use only a few drops of essential oils in many recipes.

The essential oil from the eucalyptus can destroy germs and bacteria that live in your mouth. They will protect you from any oral diseases. It has many anti-inflammatory properties and they help in reducing the swelling in the gums. Remember to dilute the essential oil before you put it on your gums. It is really strong.

Thyroid gland is endocrine gland that is located in the neck and has butterfly-shape. The thyroid secretes two hormones into the blood: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). The hormones secreted by the thyroid regulate the growth and development through the rate of metabolism and the protein synthesis.

Doctors warn that thyroid disorders are very common nowadays and scientists have estimated that 1 out of 20 people is at risk to experience some type of thyroid disorder during the lifetime. Despite the fact that thyroid disorders most commonly affect women, men, children and teenagers also may experience issues with the thyroid.

The thyroid gland may be affected by several diseases, and the most common are hyperthyroidismand hypothyroidism and both occur as a result of thyroid hormone imbalance.

Hyperthyroidism is condition when the thyroid gland is abnormally active and as a result of that produces excessive amounts of thyroid hormones which results in a rapid heartbeat and an increased rate of metabolism. Other symptoms of this disease are irritation, nervousness, anxiety, diarrhea, sudden weight loss, heat sensitivity and sleep disorders.

Hypothyroidism is condition then the thyroid gland has abnormally low activity and there is insufficient thyroid hormone production. This results in retardation of growth and mental development in children and adults. Some of the most common symptoms are fatigue, dry skin, weight gain, muscle pain, cramps, concentration difficulties, hair thinning, excess fluid in tissues and cold sensitivity.

Moreover, if the thyroid gland is not functioning properly, autoimmune disorder may occur and at some patients the thyroid may develop several types of nodules and cancer.

Some of the main culprits of thyroid disorders are:

  • Chronic stress
  • Toxin overload
  • Iodine deficiency
  • Metal buildup

How to Prevent and Treat Thyroid Disorder Naturally:

  • Eat Healthy

When it comes to treatment of thyroid disorders, healthy nutrition plays a major role. In order to prevent or to treat thyroid disorder you should lower the intake of refined flours, processed and sugary foods, and start consuming more omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, selenium,and zinc and thus support the health of your thyroid gland.

  • Manage Your Stress

Adrenal exhaustion occurs as a result of chronic stress and substantially increases your risk of developing thyroid disorders. It is highly advisable to start with some stress management program and relaxing activity, for instance you can try various breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, walks in nature, etc. These activities can lower the tension and in same time will help you feel calm and will improve your overall health.

  • Exercise Regularly

Start exercising on regular basis and thus you will promote optimal production of hormones and thus you will promote excellent function of your thyroid gland.

  • Detoxify Your Body

Sauna session or a heat therapy are extremely efficient ways to treat a thyroid disorder. With the help of detoxification you can remove all of the harmful toxins that are accumulated in your organism.

  • Take High-Quality Nutritional Supplements

Before you start taking any nutritional supplement it is extremely important to consult with your physician or nutritionist. There are various nutritional supplements that are extremely powerful and helpful in the treatment of a thyroid problem.

  • Use Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy

Ask your doctor for some thyroid hormone replacement therapy as this is efficient way to prevent or treat these disorders.

  • Prevent the Underlying Causes of Thyroid Problems

In order to prevent any thyroid disorder you need to prevent the underlying causes of the problem. Medical experts explain that you need to find a way and manage stress, treat nutritional deficiencies, allergie and occasionally cleanse your organism from accumulated toxins and heavy metals. In addition to that, it is highly advisable to reduce consummation of gluten and dairy products and thus prevent digestive distress.

There exist a great number of effective fixings which can treat maladies and conditions in nature, you will just need to realize where to discover them. We present you the biggest fat burn recipe.

The nature itself has cures for all our medical issues, which is actually the reason that many individuals are turning towards elective drug. It is a little shabby, and has no symptoms and works similarly and ordinary drugs. We are going to introduce a very characteristic cure that will consume your abundance paunch fat and allow you to burn fat and lose 40 pounds in a month. This formula is comprised of just 2 fixings, the chea seed and lemon, that contain various fundamental vitamins and are useful for your wellbeing. There you have the means by which to set up the cure.


A glass of lemon juice,1 ½ glass of water, 1 tablespoon of chia seeds, 1 tablespoon of natural nectar


First, put the chia seeds in the glass of water and abandon them to splash for 60 minutes, and then blend them with alternative fixings when they look like gel. Drink this smoothie each morning on a void stomach and you will thin down normally in the blink of an eye.  The chia seeds in themselves have contained a considerable measure of fiber which will support your absorption and also they will likewise keep you full for more. They can also decrease your glucose levels and contain a ton of cancer prevention agents, as well as vitamins, minerals and omega-3 unsaturated fats.

Knowingly, the lemons are very sound and rich in basic supplements that your body requires once daily. A 100 grams of lemon juice has just 29 calories, and that makes the lemons an immaculate eating regimen sustenance. Same as the chia seeds, they are additionally rich in fiber and give satiety, but still the genuine medical advantages lie in the mind boggling measures of a few vitamins in the natural product. Consume this smoothie each morning and combine it with a solid eating regimen and as well some activity, and you will lose all the overabundance stomach fat soon. This drink will boost metabolism and burn fat.

Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that affects the digestive system. This bacterium is ingested from contaminated water or food and it can cause serious health issues such as stomach ulcers and cancer because it destroys the stomach lining.

Luckily, there are powerful natural remedies that you can prepare at the comfort of your own home and treat the infection. You will not have to expose yourself to the harmful side effects of over-the-counter meds.


This is a spiral bacterium which is usually created in the mucosal layer that protects the lining of the small intestine and the stomach. It is also known as ulcer bacteria due to its production of cytotoxin that is known to contribute to the formation of ulcers in the digestive system.


  • Bloating
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Belching
  • Pain in the stomach
  • Tiredness
  • Heartburn
  • Diarrhea
  • Halitosis
  • Anemia
  • Reduction in appetite
  • Peptic ulcers



Eat 1 tbsp of this honey before breakfast or a slice of toasted bread with Manuka honey spread.


Drink one glass of fresh and unsweetened cranberry juice in the morning before breakfast. When preparing the juice, make sure you use organic cranberries only.


These foods are also a great option for removal of this infection as they are even more potent than antibiotics in the elimination process than antibiotics, according to research.


They can destroy any bad bacterium and they are highly recommendable for H. pylori and often compared with the effects of triple therapy. They also have gastro-protective and acid-reducing characteristics.


They are abundant in sulforaphane that has antioxidant and detoxifying characteristics. It can therefore remove the infection and treat gastritis. It is also known to avert gastrointestinal damage caused by NSAIDs.


This beverage can impede the spread of the bacterium and studies point out that its regular consumption can treat mucosal inflammation caused by H. pylori. What’s more, the catechin in it will fight off this bacterium with ease thanks to its antibacterial characteristics.


This veggie has powerful anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties and when consumed raw, it can successfully remove this bacterial infection.


It has more than 300 compounds and a large number of studies have shown that it can impede the spread of this bacterium.


  • Eat wild-caught fish that is abundant in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Consume chia seeds and flaxseed that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Eat more cruciferous veggies
  • Include berries like blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, and strawberries
  • Avoid eating pickled foods
  • Reduce the intake of caffeine to a minimum
  • Exclude spicy foods
  • Do not eat low-fiber grains
  • Do not drink soda drinks


  • Make sure that the water you drink on a daily basis is not contaminated in any way
  • Take good personal hygiene
  • Eat adequately prepared food

The busy lifestyle we lead in the modern world nowadays causes great problems for our health. It especially causes problems to our feet. In any minute of the day, they carry a great load. If you’re a woman and you walk in high heels, it only becomes worse.

This makes numerous women from the whole world to be in a very bad mood and extremely tired. There aren’t many people who pay special attention to their feet.

This can lead to the appearance of cracked heels, fungal infections and varicose veins which also cause your legs and feet to look bad.

According to many people, this is an untreatable problem, but luckily, numerous natural remedies can offer you great help.

After a hard day at work, you can indulge in a relaxing foot soak. It will eliminate the odor and relax your legs, but also make all the fungi and bacteria disappear. They are especially bad for your feet.

Sea salt is very beneficial, because your iodine levels will be increased and your feet will be toned. Here, we’re presenting you a recipe with Epsom salt and olive oil that will help you relieve the pain and relax after a hard day at work!


  • A bowl of hot water
  • Olive oil
  • Mint tea
  • Epsom salt
  • Lemon juice
  • Peppermint essential oil


Combine all of the ingredients in the bowl of hot water. Soak your feet in this for 15 minutes. After that, rinse them away using plenty of water. You can also use a pumice stone to scrub your feet and remove all of the dead skin cells that are present on the surface.

Here are some of the benefits this foot soak can offer you:

Decreased levels of stress

The best way that can help you relieve stress is through Epsom salt baths, It is full of magnesium which is extremely important for many functions in our body. 

A relaxed mind

Some health problems can be stimulated with the help of some reflex points present on our feet with the help of an ancient alternative medicine approach called reflexology. These pressure points are located on various spots on the feet and contain a large amount of nerves. Having foot baths regularly will have a direct effect on them.

A universal detox method

All of the toxins from your body become extracted with the help of foot baths.

You‘ll also be able to improve your complete health.  It’s far better to have a healthy body without toxins because only in that way you’ll be able to get rid of any illness or disease.

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