
Health Care


Persons are continually getting used to the fact that they should take proper care of themselves to sustain good health and prevent possible health issues and diseases and we are paying enough attention to our body parts, but very often happens that, we miss small areas. However, their importance shouldn’t be belittled. Such as, the armpit area can hint at having certain diseases and health issues.


Having a sour smell in the armpit area is a natural occurrence. It might happen because of bacteria that feel free and comfortable to grow in the zones with a lot of sweat. But, we all happen to know that it is actually quite easy to fight such a smell — just take a shower and use deodorant. But in case your armpits’ smell is steady and strong, it’s the first sign of having potential health issues.

Having some unusual smell that can not be removed even after taking a shower can be a signal of a hormonal disorder and thyroid dysfunction. If this smell resembles the scent of “rotten fruit” or like “nail polish”, then it could be a signal of ketoacidosis — the loss of the body’s ability to metabolize the sugar.


Once more, feeling itchy in the armpit area after shaving is normal due to the growth of new hairs. But in case the itchiness doesn’t stop, it’s yet another signal that there is something wrong within your body.

Having some severe irritation may be caused by the reaction of the skin to the razor, clothing fabrics, and substances that creams or deodorants contain. Some red spots and dead cells usually appear together with such itchiness. In case this happens, there is a chance your skin has a fungus that should be treated by a doctor.


It’s actually always quite warm and humid in the armpit area, creating the perfect environment for reproducing various yeast infections and is impossible to learn what infection you’re suffering from if you do not check with a specialist, which is the reason why you should address a doctor if you suddenly feel itchiness, redness, and small rashes on your skin. Such kinds of skin reactions can also be caused by friction from clothing, climate or allergies.


Experiencing some painful feelings appearing in the armpits are no reason to rush to the doctor right away. This pain might happen due to hard physical labor after intensive training or after carrying heavy things. For these cases, it is always temporary and will disappear soon.

But, if your painful feelings last for quite a while (for example, several days), then you should seek a consultation from a doctor. Even though it happens rarely, this pain can signal about a formation of tumors in the lymph nodes.

Seals and lumps

The lymph nodes that are located in the armpits are completely invisible, but in case you to spot some kind of sealing and swelling, it can signal about the fact that these are actually trying to fight some newly appeared infection by themselves. This situation will in turn normalize without outside interference after some time.

Nevertheless, you shall definitely consult a doctor in case the inflammation hasn’t disappeared by itself within a week. It might happen to be a worrisome sign because swollen lymph nodes are a signal of a serious infection and sometimes even cancer.

Excessive sweating

It’s quite normal to sweat a lot if you’re doing intense physical activity but not if you’re sitting, walking or sleeping. These are signs that should alarm you. Hyperhidrosis might as well mean a dysfunction in the levels of hormones that can be signaling an onset of menopause. What is more, having excessive sweating is one of the signs of diabetes and gout.

Negative and positive energy is out there, and for as much as we refuse to believe it, they can influence our lives significantly. Even if you don’t believe in the spiritual world, paranormal appearances and similar things, the effect that negative or positive energy can have on our health, mood, and well-being are undeniable. In today’s article, we’d like to focus on how this energy, more specifically the bad vibes surrounding you can influence your life and how to eliminate them and prevent their influence.
We’ve all used lemon and we know how health-beneficial this tropical fruit is. It’s rich in essential vitamins and minerals that can help us defeat even the most stubborn diseases and conditions. But did you know that lemons can also help you ward off negative energy?

Buddhist monks and Feng Shui practitioners have been using lemons since ancient times in their spiritual practices, to keep bad vibes and negative energy away and live a peaceful, positive life. How? With the help of a simple trick that you can also use to ward off negative energy from your home.

Lemons have helped many people transform their lives and achieve physical and mental well-being and in this article, we’ll show you how to do it yourself. Below you’ll find a couple of ways in which you can do it and all you have to do is choose the one that fits your needs the most.

Lemon + Salt

Take one fresh lemon and cut it into 4 slices. Place grained salt in each slice and put them back together, making sure the salt stays inside the lemon. Put it in the entrance of your home and leave it there. This will help you stop negative vibes and energy from entering your house and spread in your home. Whenever a person with negative energy approaches your doorstep, the lemon will absorb it and eliminate it completely. Once you start using this trick you’ll notice significant improvements. You must repeat this ritual for 3 days in a row for best effect. You’ll feel much more positive, fulfilled and blissful.

Travel with lemons

Aside from preventing the bad vibes from entering your home, lemons can help you protect yourself from this negative energy outside as well. Just place a lemon in your jacket pocket and take it with you wherever you go. Once it dries off to throw it and take a fresh one. You’ll notice the lemon will start drying quickly, that’s because we encounter a lot of negative energy everywhere we go and the lemon absorbs it and dries off from within, much faster than usual.

Lemon juice

You can also use lemon juice to protect yourself from negative energy. Combine some lemon juice with some water and clean your accessories, amulets, and jewelry with this mixture. The lemon juice will cleanse your belongings from the bad vibes, negative charges and help you achieve well-being.

Lemon leaves

Many natural healers believe that a consumption of lemon leaves infusion every night before going to bed, for 7 days in a row can help you increase your energy and stamina in bed. Everyone who’s tried it says that the results are amazing.

Energy Boost

Lemons can help you attract love, give you energy, help you achieve prosperity, peace, and abundance. Many people believe this citrus fruit to be a fruit of good which comes from the element of water.

As you’ve probably noticed from everything mentioned above, lemons can help you improve your life spiritually, ward off negative vibes and eliminate the negative energy from your home. Start using it as of right now and take advantage of all of its benefits.

We all know the importance of maintaining a healthy weight, and therefore, we all try to lose some weight. But, sometimes, this aim isn’t that easy to achieve. Even though you’ve cut out unhealthy food from your diet and started to exercise, that excess pounds may not go away. One of the major reasons might be your digestive system.

Digestion Issues and Weight Gain

Digestion issues, such as slow bowel movements, indigestion, constipation, etc. are one of the major culprits for weight gain because they allow fat and toxins accumulate in the body.

Bowel movements should ideally occur one-two hours after a meal, or even once or twice a day. The reason for slow bowel movements can be some medications, dehydration, lack of fiber, and good flora deficiency in the gut.

Furthermore, constipation is a condition when the body has difficulties in emptying the bowels, and also, harden feces. This disorder may be a result of low fiber, some medications, irritable bowel syndrome, excessive use of laxatives, put off going to the toilet, dehydration, and colon issues.

Last but not least, indigestion, also called dyspepsia, is a condition when people experience pain and discomfort in the stomach due to difficulties in digesting food. It can be caused by side effects of certain medicines, acid reflux disease, peptic ulcers, pancreatic or bile duct abnormalities, and others.

Therefore, keeping your gastrointestinal system in good health may significantly contribute to weight loss. For that reason, we provide you with a recipe for the best vitamin salad that is a natural remedy that treats these issues.

The following salad will clean the fecal fat in the bowels, flush out toxins from the body, provide more than enough fiber, and balance the pH level in the body. Eat this salad for dinner 3 days in a row and you will be surprised by the results!

The Vitamin Salad


  • Cabbage
  • Beet
  • Carrot
  • Lemon juice
  • Vegetable oil
  • Seasonings (optional)


The method of preparation is very simple. All you need to do is grate 3 parts of cabbage, 1 part of beet, and 1 part of carrots. Then, add some seasoning herbs if you prefer so. Next, mix the ingredients well and add a little bit of lemon juice. At the end, sprinkle with some vegetable oil, ideally olive oil.

This salad will provide you plenty of minerals and vitamins, as well as other nutrients, such as fiber and pectin. Enjoy!

This illness (high cholesterol) is found in all cells of the body and so many people know that it has harmful effects, what is real is that it is essential for the optimal functioning of the body. Our livers are responsible for removing most of it but it is as well absorbed through the consumption of foods that contain it in themselves.

It is necessary for the production of the bile, which in turn is responsible for digesting fat and additionally, it is also involved in the production of some hormones and helpful for the cardiovascular health.

There exists one problem and that is that although many of our organs need it, having too much of it can cause irreparable damage, and what is more worrying is that many of the people are unaware that they have high cholesterol, and that is because the symptoms are not easily noticed. This in turn can cause some health problems that can be more serious, as for example arteriosclerosis, kidney failure and hypertension.

As a result, it is crucial to identify some signs that can help detect any problems early on and you should now check them out.


If and when you experience numbness or you are swelling than this may indicate the initial symptoms of high cholesterol, and this can happen due to the accumulated lipids preventing good circulation, and they can do this by reducing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles.


Experiencing this, which is also known as halitosis is actually very common sign in people who experience high cholesterol, and because the substance is secreted by the liver, too much cholesterol creates serious difficulties with digesting, and in turn, this can cause dryness and some unpleasant odor in the mouth.


Experiencing high levels of cholesterol can be a strong trigger for some later episodes of bloating and indigestion and excess lipids in the blood and the liver as well can affect the metabolism and prevent in turn the good digestion while eating foods which are high in fat.


When and if cholesterol will build up in the arteries our circulation of the blood can  get worse and the cellular oxygenation can be disrupted and this results in loss of balance, dizziness and some strong headaches.


Having high cholesterol can cause development of eyesight problems and if not noticed early, they may result in irreversible damage. It is very usual for people to display bulging yellow eyes, blurred vision and irritation.


Having build ups of lipids in the arteries can also affect digestion and so the bowel mobility decreases and constipation happens as a result. This is a result of more factors and one of these can be uncontrolled cholesterol.


This one is a symptom that can be very easily spotted and also it is always a reason for immediate consultation with a doctor. There exist many illnesses that are correlated with chest pain but most of them are related to high cholesterol. Having fat in the arteries restricts blood flow and so is caused the hypertension.


Experiencing fatigue, weakness and strong desire to sleep at some unusual hours are most often a cause of poor nutrition, illness or excess physical activity but not many people know that it may as well be sign of having cholesterol, and knowing that this is involved in circulation and cellular oxygenation, some physical and mental problems are not uncommon to happen.


When and if the body has difficulty regulating the cholesterol levels, hives and other skin problems may happen and these can manifest themselves with some red spots, inflammation and an uncomfortable itching sensation which might be difficult to be controlled.


People may have high cholesterol if experience some new food allergies and even though they can be caused by many factors having excessive accumulation of fat in the arteries and the liver may be responsible for some of these, and what is most common they show up after eating meats or some fatty foods.

Losing weight is a complex process and no matter what some people may say – there are no easy ways. Even if there are – they help you lose weight for only a limited period of time. What we are interested in most, is how to help you succeed with your weight loss process so that your weight is gone once and for all.

It has been mentioned a number of times that losing weight is also a complex activity, and if you think that it is all about exercising and diet, you are wrong. There is a list of other things to be taken into consideration, and today we will discuss 9 weight loss tips to follow before bedtime. Once you get used to following these simple steps, your weight will simply melt down.

#1 Proper dinner

When it comes to your dinner time, various sources make different suggestions. What we are going to advise, is to introduce both carbs and protein into your dinner meal.

#2 Tea

A cup of tea before going to bed is, not only a nice way to relax after a long and hard-working day, but also helpful to burn some fat.

#3 Kitchen deadline

It may sound pretty silly, but it is pretty effective. The thing is, if you set kitchen hours and do not enter after dinner, and do not treat yourself to snacks, the chances that you will lose weight faster are greater.

#4 To-do list

Every night before going to bed, write a to-do list for the next day. That will help you get more organized and will improve your weight loss process.

#5 Bath

Having a nice bath before going to bed is pretty relaxing and stimulating for fat burning processes.

#6 No lights

When you go to sleep, make sure that your bedroom is completely dark. This will help you fall asleep faster, and thus will improve all the processes that go on when you are asleep.

#7 Devices

Keep all of your devices out of your bed. What is the connection between your phone and weight loss? The research showed that people who can’t even go to bed without their devices are more likely to be overweight.

#8 Sex

While some people claim that it is great to burn additional calories, the others say that it relieves stress. In either case, it sounds like a nice idea.

#9 Sleep well

You should never underestimate the effect a good night’s sleep has on your body. That is why, you should pay attention to the quality of your sleep, if you want to shed some pounds.

Sleeping is one of the most important activities for our health. Lack of sleep can be detrimental to the health. However, did you know that sleeping naked provides even more benefits than sleeping with clothes? Less than 10% of Americans sleep naked. Sleeping naked has some amazing health benefits, physically and psychologically.

Benefits of Sleeping Naked

Improves Sleep

People who sleep naked have better sleep than the ones who sleep with clothes. The body temperature naturally declines and if your ear clothes, it disrupts that cycle. As a result, you toss and turn, and have irregular sleeping patterns. On the other hand, sleeping naked will promote the sleep quality and you will sleep like a baby.

Prevents Bacteria

Sleeping naked will prevent the growth of yeast and bacteria. Moreover, it will dry out the spots of perspiration and keep the body comfortable.

Promotes Weight Loss

If you sleep naked, your cortisol levels decrease, you sleep better, and that promotes the weight loss process. If you want to shed some pounds, you have the solution.

Feeling More Frisky

The skin to skin contact will increase the bonding hormones such as oxytocin and make you more sensitized to your partner’s touch. Moreover, it will strengthen the feelings of trust, connectivity, and lower your heart rate.

Boosts the Energy

Having a good night’s sleep will increase your energy levels, which will last throughout the whole day.

Reduces Pain

Sleeping naked will stimulate circulation and reduce the pain, especially in the abdominal area. You will feel comfortable and without pain, so you can sleep tighter.

Improves the Skin’s Repair Processes

If you sleep naked, the skin will repair itself more easily, the sebaceous glands will work at full capacity, and your skin will absorb nutrients more quickly. As a result, your body’s metabolic rate will improve.

The busy lifestyle we lead in the modern world nowadays causes great problems for our health. It especially causes problems to our feet. In any minute of the day, they carry a great load. If you’re a woman and you walk in high heels, it only becomes worse.

This makes numerous women from the whole world to be in a very bad mood and extremely tired. There aren’t many people who pay special attention to their feet.

This can lead to the appearance of cracked heels, fungal infections and varicose veins which also cause your legs and feet to look bad.

According to many people, this is an untreatable problem, but luckily, numerous natural remedies can offer you great help.

After a hard day at work, you can indulge in a relaxing foot soak. It will eliminate the odor and relax your legs, but also make all the fungi and bacteria disappear. They are especially bad for your feet.

Sea salt is very beneficial, because your iodine levels will be increased and your feet will be toned. Here, we’re presenting you a recipe with Epsom salt and olive oil that will help you relieve the pain and relax after a hard day at work!


  • A bowl of hot water
  • Olive oil
  • Mint tea
  • Epsom salt
  • Lemon juice
  • Peppermint essential oil


Combine all of the ingredients in the bowl of hot water. Soak your feet in this for 15 minutes. After that, rinse them away using plenty of water. You can also use a pumice stone to scrub your feet and remove all of the dead skin cells that are present on the surface.

Here are some of the benefits this foot soak can offer you:

Decreased levels of stress

The best way that can help you relieve stress is through Epsom salt baths, It is full of magnesium which is extremely important for many functions in our body. 

A relaxed mind

Some health problems can be stimulated with the help of some reflex points present on our feet with the help of an ancient alternative medicine approach called reflexology. These pressure points are located on various spots on the feet and contain a large amount of nerves. Having foot baths regularly will have a direct effect on them.

A universal detox method

All of the toxins from your body become extracted with the help of foot baths.

You‘ll also be able to improve your complete health.  It’s far better to have a healthy body without toxins because only in that way you’ll be able to get rid of any illness or disease.

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Our bodies are very interesting things. They can actually inform us when something is not right. One of the things that our body does is twitching before you fall asleep. If this has been happening to you we want to tell you not to panic, you are not the only one. Sometimes, after a long day, you are in your bed and ready to sleep. However, there is a sudden interruption by twitching and this makes you wonder what could be wrong. Just continue reading.

The Hypnic Twitch Before Falling Asleep

According to scientists, this is known as the hypnic twitch and it resembles a feeling or falling thus making your body twitch. Some scientists believe that it might be the consumption of caffeine before bed or certain medications like Adderal and Ritalin. However, this also goes for people who are very exhausted and who finally go to sleep, but too fast. This is due to the fact that the brain cannot keep up with the sleep phases.

One hypothesis says that this happens because you are starting to dream but you are not fully asleep and this is a symptoms of both of these things fighting.

Another evolutionary hypothesis claims that this happens because this was the body’s way to wake up our ancestors before they fell out of the trees.

Namely, when your brain is confused, it will restart and you will wake up with a burst of chemicals. This is however not dangerous for your health, but it is still not a very good feeling. There are still also those opinions that twitches are connected to early onsets of Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s, brain injury or nerve damage. But this is if it is too serious.

If you are really interested in this topic and you want to research you can check out the video below!

Science and medicine have become so advanced nowadays that we can actually see how much chaos can be caused in our body from stress. Therefore, this can cause different problems and serious diseases to the mind and body.

What stress does is it weakens our immune system and it accelerates our aging process. Moreover, it increases the risk of Parkinson’s disease and it makes us exposed to different colds and viruses.

The symptoms of stress are basically still not very known, so, this means that you cannot see it immediately. Thus, it can lead to bigger damage to the health.

When our body senses stress, it can react in different ways, like:

  • The main organs- the stomach and the colon will start giving up slowly bit by bit.
  • The body will need more blood, so it will take it from the stomach and the colon.
  • Thus, the food will stay there and it will rot in the colon.
  • 90% of the diseases in the colon are fought by the immune system.
  • So, when we lack blood, the organs are getting older faster.

What this means is that you need to be able to recognize the earliest signs and symptoms of being over-stressed. This way you will be able to act on time and start a proper treatment.

9 Signs You Are Over-Stressed

1. Hair Loss

The founder of the Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology Carolyn Jacob claims that the first signs of being over-stressed are hair changes. According to some studies, we lose 100 hairs a day, this happens even if you are healthy. However, the stress changes the normal physiologic functions and the loss of hair is higher.

2. Constantly Feeling Anxious

If you are feeling anxious or restless often, it might mean that you are over-stressed. This will get even worse if you cannot find anything that relaxes you.

3. Insomnia

Stress can easily cause your sleeping pattern to change. So, if you cannot sleep and you suffer from insomnia, you need to calm yourself down before bed. This is how you can protect yourself from health problems and diseases.

4. Impatience

If you are stressed all the time, then it must be really easy to make you irritated, angry or even to make you lose your temper and be extremely impatient.

5. Physical Pain

Stress can cause also a lot of body malfunctions like palpitation, diarrhea, tense muscles, ulcers, chest pain, and even stomach problems. Moreover, it can be the main reason for pain in your body, for headaches and sometimes even severe arthritis.

6. Weight Gain

Stress can sometimes cause your weight to change. It can also make you lose appetite and lose weight, or the opposite- it can slow down the metabolism and make you gain a lot of weight.

7. Thinking About Work Even at Home

If you are thinking about your work and you are occupied with finances all the time, it can bring a lot of stress. Thus, we recommend you to relax when you are at home at least and try not to think about it.

8. Low Libido

Stress reduces the number of hormones that are meant for sexual activity. This can lead to exhaustion, impotence, and low libido.

9. You Get Moody

Due to the fact that stress affects your hormone levels, it also affects your mood and causes complications like mental health problems, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, and addictions.

Our bodies are a mechanism where many things happen simultaneously. Sometimes, the body can give us some signs that something is not quite working as it should. What we need to do is not ignore those signs because they might point to health issues. Thus,we are here today to tell you about some sings that you should look out for.


Our bodies usually crave certain foods because of hormonal changes such as during pregnancy. However, this can also be a sign of issues with the liver and gall bladder. In case you start craving sour foods and you are not pregnant it is wise to visit your doctor and ask for advice.


The usual cause for bleeding from the gums is improper or no dental hygiene at all. Flossing once a year will probably cause your gums to bleed a bit. However, if it happens too often it can be a sign that your body lacks vitamin C. Instead of taking supplements try getting more vitamin C from natural sources such as fruits and vegetables.


We have all experienced cramps and insomnia at certain points in our lives, but if they occur too often they could be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is essential for the brain, muscle and heart function and health. If you experience insomnia and cramps ask your doctor for an advice and try to eat more nuts, leafy greens, bananas and other fruits.


As we explained above, craving certain foods usually happens because of hormonal changes. Craving seafood, on the other hand, could be a sign of important nutrient and mineral deficiency.

If you are vegan and vegetarian and you crave meat, start your food journal in order to track the macronutrients you intake. This way you will be more aware if your diet is imbalanced.


Eating too much sugar or junk food usually cause sugar craving. Sugar is addictive and the junk foods don’t contain any nutrients. You can combat this craving if you eat a big salad and giving your body what it actually needs. It may be hard at first but as time goes by your body will adapt and will no longer need that much sugar.


Having occasional salt cravings is perfectly normal because sodium is a mineral that the body needs to function properly. However, regular salt cravings could be a sign of an inflammation or an infection in the body. So, instead of using your usual salt try a healthier alternative such as Himalayan Pink Salt.


Having brittle hair and nails is the body’s way of telling you that it lacks important nutrients and vitamins. Particularly vitamin B and calcium deficiency cause cracked and dry nails. To get more of these nutrients eat whole grain bread, legumes, almond milk and leafy greens.


Vitamin E is very important for the skin and if the body is deficient the skin shows the first signs. The signs of vitamin E deficiency are itchy, scaly, dry and cracked skin. Eating fish oil, nuts and other healthy oils will provide your body with enough vitamin E in order for the skin to be healthy.